Κομβικά σημεία στη ζωή ενός επιστήμονα: No time to die

Η Έλια Ψυλλάκη είναι καθηγήτρια Υδατικής Χημείας.

Έρχεται στο TEDxChania για να περιγράψει τα κομβικά σημεία καμπής στην καριέρα της και πως αυτά τήν βοηθήσαν τα εξελιχθεί ως επιστήμονας αλλά και ως άνθρωπος.

Καθηγήτρια Υδατικής Χημείας

Έλια Ψυλλάκη

Elia Psillakis is a Professor in Water Chemistry at the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete. She was featured in the Power List 2021 of the magazine “The Analytical Scientist” as one of the Top 100 most influential people in analytical science and has received a Fulbright Award as a visiting Professor at California Institute of Technology, USA. She is Editor-in-Chief of “Advances in Sample Preparation” (Elsevier) and Head of the Sample Preparation Network of the European Chemical Society-Division of Analytical Chemistry. She is the Founder|CEO of ExtraTECH Analytical Solutions, a Spin-Off Company of TUCrete. From 2014-2016 she served as Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs and Research and TUCrete.

Έλια Ψυλλάκη social media

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DECEMBER 10th 2022

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